Post Scriptum Mortar Calculator

If you find the app helpful, I and my cat would appreciate any support you could send our way.

App is released for free, with no annoying ads and will ask for no permissions. I hope you will all appreciate this. Any gifts will keep a thirsty developer in some beer - and recoup the 25USD for the Android Developer Account. Also it will go to keeping the cat distracted by Tuna bribes in order to stay off my keyboard...

(The surrender tuna or keyboard look...)


Version format: [major release].[new feature(s)].[bugfix patch-version] 
0.0.9: Public beta test version
1.0.0: First Release
- Fixed divide by zero bug crashing the app 
- Added Mils calculation 
- Added current mortar models and selection between them 
- Added About button linking to blog with instructions 
1.1.0: Second Release
- Added minimum range for the various mortars 
1.2.0: The Yanks are coming!
- Added US 4.2" Mortar 
1.2.1: Simplifying it
- Ripped out the 4th coordinate as it confused quite a few people 
- Changed Android API version to comply with latest requirements from Google Play
1.3.0: Le Baguette
- Added French mortars
- Fixed a slight issue where on some aspect-ratios, button-text could go outside the button boundary


Enter in coordinates for Mortar and Target position using the keypad. For the first coordinate, hitting the key once, twice or thrice will change between the letters printed on the key. You know, like the good old times writing SMS messages on our phones. When done, hit the '>>' key on the keypad.

The second coordinate can be either a single or double digit number. For a single digit number, hit the selected number you want, and then hit the '>>' key. For double digit, first enter in one number and then the other before hitting the '>>' key. Couldn't be simpler.

The next two coordinates are single digit only. Change between them using the '>>' (next) or '<<' (previous) keys. You get these from the in-game map.

To change between entering mortar coordinates and target coordinates, hit either the 'MRT' or 'TGT' button.

When satisfied, hit the 'Calc' button. To change between coordinates, use '<<' and '>>' on the keypad. To change Mortar model (important for correct mils calculation), hit the '<<' and '>>' buttons on the upper row above the display. Changing mortar will automatically recalculate the mils value.

The 'About' button will take you to this screen.


Next version will be released to coincide with the 'Post Scriptum Big Update!' that should feature a new faction - and thus at least one new mortar.


Q: Why not an iOS version?
A: Hey, buy me a Mac, an iOS device and 100USD to cover the (yearly) Apple Developer subscription, and I can push out a version for iOS in less than a day!

Q: What was used to develop this App?
A: App Game Kit 2 by The Game Developers. It's basically a language and C++ library to facilitate more or less pain-free cross-platform 2D and 3D app development. No 'code-by-menu-hunting' approach as in Unity, but good old writing code into an IDE and compile/export.

Also GIMP for creating the graphical assets, and Audacity to edit the little clicky sound.

Q: Is it Open Source?
A: Yes - and no. The code I've written for this app is under MIT License. However the underlying App Game Kit framework and runtime is proprietary and owned by The Game Creators Ltd.

My code for this app is available at https://github.com/rDybing/PS_RangeBearing

Do note that any graphical assets are not included in that repo.


  1. Tested in empty server and the bearings are off by about 5 degrees. Mrt : m8-5-1-5, tgt : m8-7-6-7. Bearing should be 348.3 according to my visual on the target. I double checked my coordinates.

  2. The problem at such close ranges, is that the mortars position as represented on the in-game map isn't all that accurate. At longer ranges it doesn't matter much. On shorter ranges, it will.

    To negate this inaccuracy a bit, just set the last digit to 5 for mortar position and target position. And check your own position by looking at the position given on the spawn map in the lower right as you're sitting in the mortar, rather than use the mortars icon as reference.

    You'll find that the difference between mortars position on map and your actual position can be off by an entire smallest grid square, or +/- 30 meters. Add to that the random deviation of the mortar itself of about +/- 20 meters from target, and it adds up.

  3. Just curious as to whether or not this will work for the German light mortars? Or which setting is comparable.

    1. For the Light Mortars, just use bearing (use the compass) and range (shown on screen as you adjust elevation). They don't use mils at any rate. That's only for the big mortars that the Logistics need build.

  4. Can we use six figure GR

  5. Can you extend the maximum of range, even if it's impossible to shoot with some mortars. I know you found the function to link range with elevation so please, add this.

  6. I really like this tool. Thanks man.

  7. Great App for an even greater purpose of leveling my enemy into the ground with graphics that remind me of the good old Arma 3 ACE days. Now i heard that there will be most likely rocket artillery in the future. Will you do us the favour of adding it to your tool or is that something only time will tell?

  8. May i know the name of this coordination? I want to convert to latitude and longtude

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. There's 62 mils of difference between this app and the PostScriptumMC website for the same coordinates and for the same faction mortar
    That's a lot!

  11. What are the "<7" symbol used for on the calculator?

  12. Can this be used for 120 mm and 81 mm mortar
